Wednesday, October 3, 2012


HI. I'm anetta on animal jam. None of you reading this know me, but bullying has to stop. To many people on AJ, the Jammers are just pictures made from AJ. But we are real people,flesh and blood. We have feelings and opinions too. We are not something to be picked on. We are not something to be hacked or scammed.Bullying is way to common in AJ and the HQ does NOTHING about it. THE HQ DOES NOT ACTUALLY CARE FOR YOUR FEELINGS, THEY JUST WANT MONEY THAT US MEMBERS GIVE TO THEM. HAVE ANY OF YOU NOTICED THAT THE HQ EMAILS ARE THE SAME THINGS? SEE? THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US! But, just cause the HQ doesn't care doesn't mean we don't. WE CARE AND WE WILL STOP THE BULLYING.


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